Does Your Horse Seek You?
empower your dressage horse to love learning

Your Free Relationship Worksheet
Perfect way to evaluate how your horse feels about you.

Are you feeling?
- Discouraged by rough handling still prevalent in the dressage world?
- A desire to ride and compete but wanting to do it the most kind way possible?
- Conflicted and struggling to train dressage with compassion and empathy?
- Worried about your relationship with your horse and maybe it isn’t as good as it could be?
A new relationship with your horse built on trust and respect?
A kinder, gentler way of training without sacrificing your goals?
To know that your horse enjoys their interaction with you and seeks to engage?
Are you wanting to expand your training to include gratefulness, joyfulness and gentleness?
Your desire is in the connection.
The partnership where you dance together in harmony.
I’m here to help you find that place of joy for you and your horse.
Motivated to interact and perform. Loving their job and willingly participating.
Extraordinary Approach
Embracing the journey of finding a better training perspective through motivation, play, and rewards along with an inquisitive, sincere, passionate mind devoted to the horse’s development .
Unparalleled Process
How can your horses reach their greatest potential. How can you influence your horse’s life and make it more enjoyable. How can you foster them to love learning and be willing to explore novel situations and challenges?
Unique Framework
work with the mind and spirit of both you and your horse for a more fulfilling equestrian life whether you compete or not. When your perspective changes, what you look at changes also. This is what you are about to discover here.
The Benefits
Its great to talk about all these feel good plans for your riding but what does it really mean? When all is said and done, how do you get out there and ride, accomplish your goals, pull great scores in your tests and still put the horse first?
That is exactly what I bring clarity to. Step by step how you
- incorporate play into your training
- build motivation
- really listen to your horse moment by moment
So that you start experiencing…
Less Struggle and More Flow
Less Resistance & More Fun
Faster, More Willing Learning
An upcoming platform to transform dressage as we know it.

Meet Rebecca
Always On A Journey
My soul purpose in life is to have every horse in my sphere be positively influenced for soundness of body, mind and spirit.
Over the 30+ years of training horses, the number one comment I have received is how great a partnership my horses and I have. That is no accident. Known for getting along with sensitive and difficult horses, my goal has always been that my horses enjoy their partnerhsip with me and that together we accomplish more than what we could do individually. My background in equine holistic medicine and animal behavior combined with my life long passion of dressage has shaped my life’s outlook to always be on the path of self realization, leading by intuition, striving for heart centered living and diving deep to grow each and every day to be a more balanced, joyfilled person. Let me help you do the same.
I am an FEI dressage rider (USDF Bronze and Silver medalist) who has trained horses from un-started to FEI. For 38 years, I have strived to not only becoming the best dressage rider I could be by riding with top instructors but also by learning all that I could about horses movement, equine learning theory, biomechanics, anatomy, physiology, dentistry, farriery, nutrition, herbal medicine, acupuncture, and holistic horse health care. All while trying to embrace the transformation path the horses can lead us down if we are willing.
Come join me on this journey and discover how a life with horses can be the catalyst to your own personal growth.
What Clients Are Saying…
“Through her unique approach to training that incorporates trust, compassion and reward, Rebecca is able to bring out the best in all her horses. Her approach creates happy athletes who are willing to learn and eager to go to work every day.”
“Rebecca has been a wonderful instructor and an invaluable part of my training team, helping me to some critical lightbulb moments. I highly recommend her to anyone.”
“Rebecca is drastically changing the way I look at my riding and it has made all the difference. We am no longer struggling so much. “
“Rebecca has been a God send to me and my horse.”
Rebecca is excellent at customizing her training to you and your specific horse’s needs.”
“Rebecca is a thoughtful, tactful rider with the ability to adapt her riding and training to a variety of horses.”
Compassionate Riding
Staying out of your stress hormones when riding can have a dramatic effect on your ability to enjoy the process and find success. Instead of being caught up on “doing it right” or forgeting why you chose to ride horses to begin with, connect to your true heart desires despite what is going on around you. With these 3 daily practices and mindful outlooks, you can be the human your horses need you to be.
RFS Blog
Free Training
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